Sabtu, 14 Juli 2007

International Seminar on Health Decentralization

Denpasar - Bali, Indonesia
August 7, 2007 at Auditorium of Faculty of Medicine,
Udayana University, Jl. P.B. Sudirman, Denpasar Bali
August 8 & 9, 2007 at Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel,Jl. Hangtuah, Sanur, Denpasar

This is the sixth annual meeting discussing the application of health decentralization in Indonesia. Aspects of health system, such as financing, regulation, management, IT, services, will be the topics in several seminar sessions. International speakers from WHO, GTZ, Uganda, Vietnam, Laos, and Philippines will share their experiences sodecentralized health system in Indonesia can be more effective.The meeting will be conducted in both English and Indonesian.Don't miss this important event!
Fee: Rp 1.300.000, including cultural dinner.Disc 15% for 3 or more pax from the same organization. Disc 15% for undergrad and graduate students.
*special package for those who reside in Bali Province
*Contact pmpkunud[at] uplek[dot] org
or +62-361-226346 for more details and registration.
This event is organized by:
Unit Desentralisasi Ministry of Health RI
Faculty of Medicine Udayana University
Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University
World Health Organization (WHO)
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
Asosiasi Dinas Kesehatan Seluruh Indonesia (Adinkes)
DHS 1 - Asian Development Bank (ADB)
PHP 1 - World Bank

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