Kamis, 05 Juli 2007

The 3rd Indonesia International Symposium On Infection Control

Hospital-Acquired Infection Prevention : What New And Note Worthy From The Infection Control front
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta - July 14-15, 2007

The 3rd Indonesia International Symposium on infection Control serves as invaluable contribution from The Indonesian Society of Infection Control (PERDALIN), both to national public health developmental in particular and international campaign for hospital infection control in general. No matter the size and coverage, the hospital campaign will go unheeded without support and participation from medical and health entities.
The importance and significant symposium is remarkable especially for Indonesia where infection control is become priority prevention and treatment due to its high number of population and low income level of majority people.
It is pride and honor for PERDALIN and professional fellows nationwide to welcome participants and supporter from national and multinational health related companies to make The 3rd Indonesia International Symposium on Infection Control success. We are well aware that a successful symposium is a good start, hopefully a jump start higher quality and wider coverage of health infection control.
May this event will improve our knowledge and give full perspective in care on care of infection control and prevention in hospital

Schedule Program
Tentative Topics
  1. National policy in controlling and preventing Avian Flu
  2. Update in Avian Flu
  3. Quality Management and Patient Safety
  4. VAP (Ventilator, ETT, Tracheostomy)
  5. BSI (IV line, central, umbilical, arterial peripheral
  6. SSI
  7. UTI
  8. Antibiotic Prophylaxis in surgery, clean VS contaminated
  9. Indonesian Antibiotic resistancy watch, what and how?
  10. All about antibiotic cycling and mixing
  11. Role of Microbiology Lab in CP·
  12. Specimen collection, how and when ?
  13. Need of reporting hospital microorganism profile and antibiogram
  14. Common infections problem in critically ill patients
  15. Prevention and management infection problem in critically ill patients
  16. Common outbreaks in hospital
  17. Role of surveillance in investigating hospital outbreaks
  18. Gram positive cocci MRSA, MRSE, VISA, GISA, VRE
  19. Gram negative rods, MDR,ESBL,nonfermenters
  20. Fungal, Candidiasis
  21. MDR-TB
  22. MRSA
  23. Common environmental challenges in hospital
  24. Prevention and management environmental challenges in hospital
  25. Role of infection control committee in environmental challenges
  26. Avian Flu outbreak in HK
  27. Tsunami in Aceh and Earthquake in Bantul
  28. Global Disasters

Symposium Registration Fee

  • Specialist Rp. 850.000,-
  • GP Rp.750.000,-
  • Nurse/Paramedic Rp.600.000,-

Registration Procedure
Participant must fulfills registration form
Registration form and payment proof must be submitted to secretariat by fax or post if not participant’s name will not be listed

Gedung H3 Lt.II RS Cipto Mangunkusumo
Jl. Diponegoro No.71 Jakarta 10430
Phone / Fax 021 – 3919653
Email : pengendalianinfeksi@yahoo.com
Contact Person
Bambang Hermono : HP.0818-863948
Fanny Aryanti : HP.08161123169

Transfer to
Bank Mandiri
Cabang RSCM
Dr. Indra Irawan Satari, SpA (K) / Sujiasih, SKp

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